admin Posted on 12:11 am

Simple ways to keep your immune system strong!

With it being the dead of winter, many of you and your loved ones will be experiencing bouts of allergies, common colds, sinus problems, the flu, and other ailments. Many of us just blame these bugs as the cause of our illnesses rather than what we do and don’t do to contribute to the weakening of our entire immune system. Many of you may run to the local pharmacy to fill a quick prescription or perhaps buy over-the-counter remedies. You may also realize that these medications may be helping your symptoms, but may not be going down the path of the problem.

Most people think of a common cold as a viral or bacterial attack on the body. However, colds can start with something as simple as water in the lungs. Have you ever had a glass of ice water outside on a 90 degree day? Condensation immediately forms on the outside of the glass. As cooler temperatures approach, many people experience just that: water condensation forming inside the tiny air sacs of your lungs as your body struggles to maintain your core temperature around 98.6 degrees. The alveoli are small bags filled with air. Thousands of these little bags (alveoli) work together to create the function of the lungs. Due to this condensation, these alveoli in the lungs inevitably become dysfunctional, making breathing difficult. This extra moisture in the lungs also causes histamine levels to rise and serotonin levels to fall. These chemicals are produced by our bodies and help regulate our moods, allergies, and the power of the immune system. Reduced oxygen levels create an acidic environment that also significantly lowers the optimal effectiveness of our immune system. All this scenario allows viral and bacterial overgrowth.

So what should you do to naturally boost your immune system function? Let’s first discuss what things to avoid, allowing our bodies to function better.

o Stop eating large meals

Excessive food consumption puts additional pressure on the digestive system. Increased digestion consumes a lot of the body’s metabolic energy, leaving very little energy for the immune system.

o Avoid processed foods and sugars

A higher intake of processed sugars allows bacteria to harbor growth. In fact, 8 tablespoons of sugar (the average amount found in a can of soda) can lower the immune system by up to 400%! These sugars include, but are not limited to, aspartame, high fructose corn syrup, and sucralose (Splenda).

Here are some healthy tips on how you can boost your immune system:

o Keep your spine healthy and aligned: The body is a complex machine made of muscles, nerves, and bones, which work together to form orchestrated movements. Unfortunately, like a home appliance, it can sometimes fail. Most people have abnormal spinal structure and a lack of proper curves on the side of the spine, causing discs and ligaments to wear out prematurely. These spinal misalignments are known as subluxations. By contributing to poor biomechanics, excess energy is wasted and the body is more prone to fatigue and injury. Choosing a chiropractor who focuses on the clinical biomechanics of posture, a technique that specializes in structural correction of the spine, is highly recommended. This chiropractic technique of choice uses an approach to wellness backed by an impressive body of research. Our first priority is to relieve your pain, but our main goal is to restore your spine as close to its normal alignment as possible, which benefits your entire body. Like a car, your body moves on your spinal “axis.” If a car’s axle is bent or damaged, its tires will spin incorrectly, further damaging the car, just as a spinal injury or misalignment can be magnified throughout the body. Peer-reviewed medical studies have established a strong link between loss or misalignment of the normal spine and a variety of musculoskeletal and nerve-related conditions. Our commitment to spinal health means we’ll go beyond relieving your symptoms to address the root causes. Pain down the left arm may indicate a heart problem. Severe migraines can indicate a problem with blood flow or perhaps high blood pressure.

o Eat whole foods that contain magnesium, zinc, potassium, calcium, and vitamin C. Excellent sources of these foods include, but are not limited to, green leafy vegetables, lima beans, avocados, green vegetables, broccoli, and homemade soups.

o Drink hot non-caffeinated teas with lemons (herbal, green, white, and ginger). These are excellent immune boosters that facilitate the reduction of inflammation and swelling within the body.

o Increase your intake of water with lemon. Water helps flush out toxins from the body and hydrates all cells, muscles, ligaments, discs, and organs.

o Anything with lemons, papaya and pineapple. These 3 fruits are great for changing the pH environment in your mouth, throat, and digestive system, as well as helping to kill and prevent further growth of bacteria and viruses.

o Wearing a hat and coat, even when the temperature is 55 degrees or lower, will help the body maintain its core temperature, which will require less energy, leaving more energy for your immune system.

By following some simple natural ways to boost your immune system, you can surely have a healthy fall and winter and avoid these pesky colds.

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