admin Posted on 5:55 am

Three ways to take advantage of 68 seconds of pure thinking

According to Abraham Hicks, you need 68 seconds of pure thought to manifest a miracle. You would have transmitted a positive energy of intention to the Universe. If a chain of thoughts is directed in a systematic and constructive way, the energy vibrates at a frequency that attracts the desired result and brings it into physical reality.

What is key is thinking that is not diluted with negative self-sabotage beliefs. The thought must be with an absolutely clear intention. If you can have pure thought after pure thought, you increase the number of burning points.

Principle of focused attention

The principle of focused attention first states that a thought reaches a burning point within 17 seconds of pure and undiluted focus. As we all know, thoughts often follow one after another. So if there is a second thought that is aligned with the first, the effect is exponentially more powerful.

If you are able to hold pure thought for 17 seconds, the energy expansion equates to 2000 hours of action or the equivalent of a mini miracle. After another 17 seconds, the next thought comes on. You get 34 seconds. The energy expansion is 20,000 hours of action. At 68 seconds, you get 2,000,000 hours of action.

Diluted thoughts

Thoughts that say “I want a new, bigger car, but I’m worried gas prices will kill me”, “I’d like to go on a nice all-expense paid vacation, but my concern is that I can’t take that many days free “or” I want to do a job that I love but am too afraid to leave my job that pays me well “overrides the original intention. Do all of these examples sound familiar?

If they do, you will have to find a way to keep negative belief clutter at bay. Like any muscle, you need to exercise your mind. You will need to train your mind to constantly think positive thoughts.

Display ways

What will be helpful to you are practices that fully immerse your mind in the visualization process. Here are three easy methods to apply:

1) Make a 68 second video clip. Instead of having a disjointed show, have a storyboard. Make sure your clip is 68 seconds or longer long and entertaining enough that you can focus all your attention on it continuously as it plays.

2) Create a 68 second running script. To have one thought after another, create a script. Better to introduce momentum into your story. A proper story will be one with a preparation for achieving my ultimate goal. It’s like getting into a race, where the medal is right at the finish line. Add drama, details, and descriptions to make your story interesting.

3) Enjoy 68 seconds of creative art. Have you lost yourself in an inner world while pursuing creative projects? So this idea may work for you – tell your vision or dreams using art as the medium. You can cut pictures from magazines to create vision panels or work in image editing software to create a nice image. The point is to engage in 68 continuous seconds of energizing thought patterns.

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