admin Posted on 7:13 pm

Turn your curse into a blessing

We all suffer from a “chronic” struggle in our lives: deep fear or anxiety, constant anger, procrastination, envy, depression, reality of scarcity, greed, bad timing, missed opportunities, rejection problems, feelings of bad luck in love, struggles of power, intrapersonal communication. -dependences, alcoholism, workaholism… All these (and many more) are related to a deep perception of some kind of insufficiency or lack: lack of love, lack of appreciation, lack of happiness, lack of understanding, lack of connection, lack of recognition, lack of attention, lack of wealth, lack of health, lack of food, lack of knowledge, lack of security, lack of justice, etc. And that deep (and, more importantly, deeply distorted) perception of inadequacy leads us into situations where we almost feel cursed: we can never find someone to deeply connect with, we can never have enough money, we’re often depressed. , we always fight with our boss at work, we can’t control our anger… (Feel free to fill in the dots with “your life story” i.e. your “favorite” recurring fight from the last 10-20 years of life experience.)

Now, were we born like this? Yes and no. Are we doomed to continue like this? Again, yes and no. You know there are always two sides to the medal, right? And that the two sides are the exact opposites. In other words, if you look at Anger on one side of the medal, Serenity is on the other; if you are seeing Alcoholism on one side, Sobriety is on the other; and if you are faced with procrastination on one side, you will invariably be met with decisive action on the other side.

It is important to note that we all carry at least one of those medals in us, where the dualistic division of reality is taken to the extreme. Even more important, both sides of the medal are present to us simultaneously. In other words, the curse and the blessing are there, at all times. As babies, we typically connect with the “positive” side of the medal and tend to spend more time feeling blessed. Then something goes wrong (ie life happens), and we turn to the other side of the medal as we begin to feel “cursed”. Most important of all, your “curse” is actually a clue to the innate talent and innate strength you were born with.

Thus, fearful people have the greatest capacity for courage because fear and courage are on both sides of the coin. Similarly, angry people have the highest capacity for composure, while vain people and pathological liars have the highest capacity for authenticity; and alcoholics, of course, have the greatest capacity for sobriety.

In fact, our blessing is our curse, but our curse is also our blessing. In other words, the curse and the blessing exist simultaneously and are two different ways of looking at the same thing. Importantly, there is a third force that must come into play here, if we are to tap into our innate potential for transformation and tap into our inner capacity for greatness and happiness. This third force is often referred to as the Higher Self, or the Observer (some call it God), and it embodies our ability to neutralize opposites by integrating them into a whole. So think of your angry self as a little self, and think of your calm self as another little self of yours. Now call on your higher self and begin to observe your two little selves in a neutral, detached, and nonjudgmental way. In that moment, as you acknowledge and allow conflicting opposites to co-exist and gradually merge, you are collapsing a dualistic divide into a whole, and right there you have access to options, possibilities and choice of who you want to be. and how you would like to respond to life situations.

Now how do you invoke your higher self in practical terms? Get help through therapy first (this may be optional for some). Then go home and help yourself through the practices of meditation, contemplation, and introspection (that’s a must for all of us). Third, don’t expect results overnight, and don’t think that if you get them today, you’ll have them for life. it is a process. Your smaller selves want it now and they want it all. But your higher self already has it all. So when you are nervous and impatient, go back to meditation, contemplation and introspection, that is, connect with the higher self that already knows that you have everything in you to overcome that which prevents you from being all that you can be. In fact, God does not give you a challenge that you cannot meet using only your own inner resources. So just look deep within yourself because happiness comes from within.

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