admin Posted on 6:41 pm

Facts and truths about domestic lizard infestation

Lizards are not something we expect to see in our homes. In any case, if there is one running around the house, it is more than likely that it is the family pet. However, to some people, these lizards are nothing more than uninvited guests. You’ll see them running on the floor, up the walls, on the ceiling, and maybe even hear them inside the walls or ceiling. If there’s any good news in all of this, it’s that these geckos are harmless.

The fear that you may experience around him is yours alone. If you’re not intimidated by their appearance or this species of lizard in general, you might consider keeping one as a pet. We do not suggest you do that! Like many lizards, the house lizard requires a lot of maintenance. You would have to make a number of purchases and work hard to maintain the proper environment for the lizard. Most people are not willing to give this level of commitment.

House lizards are well known for entering houses through holes or cracks. If you are a homeowner and can visually see any cracks or holes around the perimeter of your home, geckos can too. They are very intelligent when it comes to finding the entrances to our houses. Once inside, if they find a new food source, and they do often, they won’t leave on their own. You will need to take some action to resolve the issue.

These little critters can easily get into foundation cracks or holes in the side of your house. Even if the space seems too small, it really isn’t. House lizards can also enter your home through cracks around windows. If you see one on the wall or ceiling, very close to one of your windows, you should inspect the area around the window very closely.

If you don’t take the time to seal or patch the holes and allow them to live in your home, the problem will not go away. There are some regions of the world where owners just ignore them. This is because they are very effective when it comes to keeping the population of other insects at bay.

This is not a good reason to ignore the problem. You are replacing one pest with another. While a particular insect may decrease in numbers, the population of the house lizard is sure to increase over time. So you will want to get rid of them. If you have other pets, particularly a dog or cat, they are likely to chase lizards into your home. Keep your house clean and look for different lizard repellants and fly paper to get rid of lizards already in your home.

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